Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner are embroiled in yet another controversy, which follows the drama surrounding Kendall’s recently pulled Pep...
Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner are embroiled in yet another controversy, which follows the drama surrounding Kendall’s recently pulled Pepsi ad earlier this year. The famous reality television stars have now released a limited edition shirt collection that features Kendall and Kylie’s faces over iconic images of Tupac and Biggie.
Kylie and Kendall really put their faces/logos overtop Biggie and Pac pictures and are trying to sell it for $125. I don't even have words.
— ♔ (@FabulouslyyyMoi) June 28, 2017
Countless people took to social media to express their disgust after screenshots of the shirts appeared online. People accused the two women of trying to use Hip Hop culture to profit from dead artists. The swift backlash resulted in the Tupac and Biggie shirts being removed from Kylie and Kendall’s online store, but not before Biggie’s mother, Voletta Wallace, called the shirts “disrespectful, disgusting and exploitation at its worst.”
“I am not sure who told @kyliejenner and @kendalljenner that they had the right to do this,” Wallace captioned the Instagram post. “The disrespect of these girls to not even reach out to me or anyone connected to the estate baffles me. I have no idea why they feel they can exploit the deaths of 2pac and my Son Christopher to sell a t-shirt. This is disrespectful , disgusting, and exploitation at its worst!!!”
The 15-shirt collection also features shirts with similar styles boasting photos of classic rock artists like Metallica, Pink Floyd and Kiss. The shirts are priced at $125 and only available in limited quantities.
Founder of PluggedNYC, Tizita Balemlay, recently accused Kylie of copying the clothing brand’s camouflage designs for Jenner’s latest campaign.
Check out the posts above.